UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
Бро, открой тайну, что это?))
Всем добрый вечер! Продаю Hyundai Santa Fe 2014 г., 17500$. максимальная комплектация Limited. 193500 км. Отличное состояние, второй хозяин. Приобреталась в Universal Ford Lincoln в конце августа 2022 г. Официальная история, регулярное ТО. Месяц назад было заменено масло и все фильтры. Новая всесезонная и зимняя резина. Также во время покупки, мной была оформлена расширенная гарантия на авто до конца августа 2024 г. Продаю для downpayment’a. Район Auburn bay. Денис.
Ах да, есть два стола биллиарда
цілих два! а кікера там, випадково, немає?
Понял, сори, в моем жэ тэ а, небыло таких)))
Это 4 мы имеем ввиду
Не бачу
Понялъ Вас, государь
Дартс есть
Нет, но душевно тут
Так, а что это за билеты от-до такие ? Кто идет 👋🏻?
Тут в другом чате пишут что remote работа не даёт права подаваться на AOS, моя работа в Калгари на компанию у которой головной офис в Калгари но есть мощности по всей Канаде, я хз, не хочется пролететь из-за такой глупости
На сайте написано что virtual location исключено и бизнес зарегистрированный на домашний адрес тоже
Порадьте на рахунок купівлі програм на ноут. Хочу купити Майкрософт ворд, ексель і т.д. Краще купити в Україні і воно все працюватиме в Канаді, чи вже в Канаді купляти ?
Friends, Here are a few opportunities: • Thanks to Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk who introduced us to Chris Lemmens and Karlina Millers (HR at ThermoDesign: thermodesign.com ), who are looking to hire for multiple roles. Below is the link to our Indeed job page which lists all our open positions, and it can be shared with your network. Anyone interested can apply directly through these postings: ca.indeed.com/cmp/Thermo-Design-Engineering-Ltd./jobs • Canada Ukraine Foundation (www.cufoundation.ca/) is looking for Manger, Finance and Operations candidate, please see the attached. Please send your cover letter and resume to office@cufoundation.ca by August 18, 2023. • PKF Antares is looking to hire a junior accountant for their location in Mississauga (ON), please see the attached • From Greg Geiger from Columbia Concrete (greggeiger84@gmail.com): “Hey Alex, my name is Greg Geiger and I own business out in Invermere British Columbia, which is three hours west of Calgary. I’m wondering if you have any foreign workers that would want a job preferably if they have Concrete experience? Give me a call 250-688-3739.-- Greg Geiger” • Thanks to Lina Bil from ImpactHR, who connected us with Karen Blackmur from Government of Alberta, Employer and Program Services. Please see the attached Employment Bulletin that Karen provided, feel free to subscribe and follow for their updates. • From Grayson Harsulla gharsulla@scopeprojects.com : “Hi Alex, Hope you are well. We have positions open for Landscape Labourer and Landscape Maintenance Technician. Ideal candidate would have a driver's license but we do understand if they don't. The position pays $21/hr, bonus incentives and raises if the employee works out. Roughly 10-12 hours a day, 5 days a week. We hired a pair of Ukrainian Refugees this year and they are terrific. We have the ability to translate and would love to have more people apply. Please have anyone call me at 403-819-9287. Thanks, Grayson” • Rhett Hardowa from EMCO corporation is looking for: We are looking for material handlers (shipper/receivers) at the moment, link to posting below, starting salary 40k. Fluent English is not required but some English is, we have a Ukrainian in the warehouse to help but is not available to translate consistently. Posting link: smrtr.io/fR3Hb. Please forward resumes to Pete Welcher, shipping supervisor: PWelcher@emcoltd.com • Thanks to Rhett Hardowa for introduction to Deanne Lord-Hunter (deannelord@canyonplumbing.com) from Canyon Plumbing &Heating. They are looking for qualified HVAC installers, plumbers or apprentices and is open to providing ESL support (already hired a few Ukrainians) • From Stephen Franchuk: www.homeinstead.ca/location/3025/home-care-jobs/ . Here’s a link to the listings! Let me know if you have any questions. We were at st. Stephen’s a few weeks ago for a career fair. • Introduction from Walter Semkuley, HR agency Ten Page (Richard Durant). Labor jobs from 6:30am to 3:30pm. Start at $19 per hour, after 3 month increase to $22+ per hour, and later benefits too. Three departments available (shipping, receiving, cleaning). To apply please reach out at (403) 263-0671 or calgary@labourunlimited.com (6am-6pm), address of the agency: Unit G2 8330 Macleod Trail S.E., Calgary, Alberta • Saw the ad from Prattco Excavating Ltd that they are hiring for multiple positions: prattcoexcavating.com/ Job Fairs: • Calgary Aug 9, Westin Hotel: Cabin Crew | Emirates Group Careers
Куплю комод, и одноместный матрас !!!!
Привіт чи хтось летить 13.08 Вроцлав-Франкфурт-Калгарі ?
Привіт. Можливо хтось буде летіти 12.09 WestJet в Калгарі? Ми будемо з Риму вилітати. Пишіть, скомпануємось разом)
Вітаю всіх, підскажіть, будь ласка ,кризова форма Кует програми закрита, куди можна звернутись стосовно виправлення даних, по заявці? Дякую🙏
20 Jan 2023, 19:11
2 minutes ago