UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
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Free food Dear Friends, In keeping with the spirit of neighbours helping neighbours, we have an important request to make. Please remember this Community Outdoor Food Bank belongs to EVERYONE. With this in mind, we urge those accessing the Community Outdoor Food Bank to "pay things forward" and remember the following. 1. Do not empty the Community outdoor food bank by taking all the non perishable food items and leaving nothing for the next visitor. Remember to leave some non perishable food items for others. 2. We are sorry to report that there have been incidents of Community food damage and wind and rain exposure damage to some of the Community food banks themselves because of doors being left open. If you are taking non perishable food items , or generously dropping non perishable food items donations, please ensure that the food is always neatly organized in the cupboard, and that the door is properly closed and latched to prevent this kind of damage from happening. If you happen to notice the food is disorganized, take a minute to set it right. Community Free Outdoor food banks are at the following locations:(Non- Perishable food items). - 75 Saddlelake Way NE (Saddle Ridge Community) - 631 Whitewood Rd. NE(Whitehorn Community) - 1216 Ranchview Road NW (Ranchlands Housing Co-operative) - 1300 41 St SE, Calgary (Forest Lawn Community) - 360 Falshire Drive, NE (Falconridge Community) - 7107 Elbow Dr, SW - 1839 9 Ave SE (Inglewood community ) -4521 Montgomery Ave Nw (Montgomery Community) -135 Mckenna Crescent SE Calgary AB Thank you ,
Дякую. Пішла оформляти)
Доброго дня. Підскажіть, будь ласка, хто подавався на sin online. Є сенс робити чи вже краще в перший день звернутися в service Canada?
Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation is hosting a job fair on August 24th from 12:00-7:00pm. If you're looking for part-time work and have a passion for sports and entertainment then please come join us at the job fair! We will be hiring for multiple roles in Food and Beverage, Building Operations, and Retail! Bring your resume, we will be hiring on the spot! Follow the link below to sign up. lnkd.in/gJKnWCtv
Доброго дня громадо. Можливо в не далекому майбутньому нам доведеться змінювати провінцію. Як один з варіантів ми розглядаємо Альберту. І хочеться вже місто нормальної величини тому напевно Калгарі. Хтось може поділитися досвідом життя ? Якщо є добрі люди. Можна в приватні повідомлення. Дуже дякую.
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Доброго дня! Родина з 3х осіб шукаємо 2 бедрум житло з 19 серпня. Бюджет до 2000. Будемо вдячні за допомогу.