UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
Дякую, Вуйко 😉
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@Theunvaccinatedchat1 Say NØ To The CØVID-19 VACCINE JAB And Say NØ To The MANDATES‼️‼️ We are a coalition of doctors who have successfully woven a network committed to making sure you get genuinely registered documentation so you can live a normal life in a world where anomalies are now the norm. We process COVID-19 vaccination cards for the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and 15 EU countries including Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland, Holland, Czech, Ukraine including other EU countries and other continents etc Buy legit database-registered covid cards, passports, exemption certificates and vaxx certificates without taking the vaccine that has caused so more harm than good. -Do you require a proof of Vaccination to keep your jobs? -Do you wish to travel but it requires proof of Vaccination or any other Covid-19 related cards/certs? _ Do you require vaxx certs to go clubbing rather than, immunisation history statements for your kids to go to school 🚸 rather than staying staying indoors WHATEVER IT MAY BE❕ Do NOT Risk Taking The JAB❗️ I know most of you have already seen how negatively effective these Cøvid-19 vaccine has been on the health of others! Then, why the thought of getting the jab❓ Do not risk your health and life taking something which ultimately comes with pains, sadness and definitely lots of regrets thereafter... So therefore, if you need the Cøvid-19 vaccine cards, passport, certificates, exemptions whichever, kindly send in your requests and we will get you an authentic, valid and registered Cøvid-19 vaccine card, passports or certificate with active QR Scan Code, which you can use whenever, wherever and however as it proofs you have already been vaccinated. I do offer immunization records registered in the system for kids to go to school without taking the vaccine etc It would be great for each and everyone to get this done now because this will totally exempt us from the toxic jabs and also with the new pandemic to arrive of which is fast approaching so this is very important and necessary. YOU can also join our group chats for more updates and recommend others to us, Lock downs and the new pandemic to break in soon are fast approaching and will cause more harm than Cøvid-19 did, so we should all get this done before lock downs and the new pandemic to arrive soon We also do provide ivemectin, detox and HydroxyChloroquine for all those who took the vaccine 💉 and other cases needing this medications. I also do provide weight loss medications and vaccine like Ozempic, Wegovy, Ryand Semaglutide maunjaro etc for weight loss Massage us now to get yours today Contact @berry67James Or contact through email: Drjamesberry905@gmail.com I'll like to say this once more, we're currently in a critical period and December is fast approaching it will turn to something else. During November and December most of us travel to see family members, love ones, vacation, prepare for Christmas and new year etc, during this period security and restrictions apply more including Covid-19 mandates and restrictions as well main reason I said it will be a catastrophic. So what I'm proposing is we should all get valid, registered vaccine passports, vaccine certificates, vaccine cards and exemption certificates to use now and most especially on November December because we might not be able to access this anymore in the nearest future due to new Covid-19 mandates, restrictions and the new pandemic to arrive soon of which is fast approaching so this is how I do help various individuals escape the poisonours jabs and go after their various objectives. You can message me now to obtain yours and be free from this evil we're currently facing. Message me the through👇 Dr @berry67James or through my email drjamesberry905@gmail.com We should all stay Unvaccinated 🙏 and keep fighting thank you all and I hope we get through this together. Click on the Link at the Top or bottom to join the Unvaccinated Members group chat 💉 @Theunvaccinatedchat1
Ні, з цим ідти до фемелі доктора. Не знаю чи норм без проблем зі здоров’ям сходити на огляд. Зазвичай питають що турбує для запису. Вакцина через альберта хелс.
Ну как это нету?! Частные клиники есть, а частных врачей нету?)
окей, якщо я хочу оглянути дитину просто та поставити прививки? з цим до педіатра не треба хіба?)
Сьогодні ніяк не можу😒
Ось диван
К педиатру ходять якщо є якась проблема. Тут це як вузький спеціаліст, а не як у нас.
Зачем такое делать
В яку ви ходили? Це мабуть до отримання хелс карт?
А можна ми вам в особисті писати не будемо, а порадимо вище почитати в чаті?
Прожив в Чехії чотири с половиною роки , все там дуже класно аби токо чєхов там не було 😀
вакцина через альберта хелз, це по запису?
Ну не знаю я ходив у частну клінику, просто гроші платиш як і у нас, відношення зразу на рівні!
Цікавить шо за робота
У вас декілька питань, то й смс буде декілька. Вибачте, що за вас не буду шукати.
Якщо факсом відправляли, то 15-20 календарних днів буде йти.
Яке саме смс вище?
20 Jan 2023, 19:11
22 minutes ago