UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
Here are the emails of my clients mrs katlyn poore ([email protected]) Mrs Amelia alice ([email protected]) Mr harry Avery ([email protected]) Mr Robert Thompson ([email protected]) Mr josh Nelson ([email protected]) Mr jamson Hammett ([email protected]) Mrs Denise wilder ([email protected]) Mr Robert joy ([email protected]) Mr Terry mowls ([email protected]) Mr Thomas Bruce ([email protected]) Mrs Janis hadlow([email protected]) Mrs isabela ([email protected]) Mr kelvin thomas ([email protected]) Mrs. chanse berry([email protected]) Mr. tony moore ([email protected])Mrs. Carmelita([email protected]) Mrs. Mei ([email protected]) Mr Gordon ([email protected]) Mr james chard([email protected])
🛑Увага🛑 👀Скам 💯
"For mobile deposit only", гыгы
Дякую,вже зробили в Нідерландах))
🤦♀️ My English is fluent, don’t worry. It doesn’t matter Canadian/Chinese/Indian girls… The difference in mentality usually greatly interferes with personal life. And if girls are usually a bit flexible, then men don’t want to adapt as a rule. But if you are rather long here- you can try. Local girls have other issues, you’ll be surprised).
А, точно
Собачатник хорошее место
Ну там же..танцы:)