UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦
We do speaking clubs in the past, its a good point to start
Ні треба пройти навчання. Скрін вище, то школа яка робить знижки українцям
Да тамм не только водители наверное
Всем привет, подскажите пожалуйста, были в RBC открыли счёт, но не получили ещё физическую карту, можно ли податься на помощь федеральную без физической карты?
are you going to have some in nearest future?
Greetings, The Ukrainian Canadian Professional & Business Association of Calgary (UCPBA) is providing us with employment information to share with our community. We hope it will be useful. Please share this email with your network. There are flyers with the contact information attached to this email. Please contact the employers directly. We are not the employers or recruiters for these positions and cannot provide any further information than what was given to us below. If you do not wish to receive these employment opportunities emails, please just email us back letting us know and we will remove you from this email list. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Local job board: hippohub.ca/job-board-hippohub/ Canada job board: www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine Intercare Career Fair – TODAY - February 9, 2023: www.intercarealberta.com/careers/ Jewelry stores and art gallery in Banff/Lake Louise area are hiring full time for various positions (Sales, Housekeeping, and Janitorial etc) and ACCOMODATION PROVIDED. See attached for details. Please reach out to michelleyymo@gmail.com or ash arora asharora111@icloud.com. More information: www.stonesjewellerybanff.com/ Blue Cross opportunities: abbluecross.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/careers/ IG Wealth hired Ukrainians already, and here is another potential opportunity: igwealth.talentnest.com/en/posting/143924/location/172882#.Y-FAQFRdsZg.linkedin More corporate opportunities from IG Wealth (our HR suggested to refer to this page): www.ig.ca/en/careers Glover International Trucks Ltd. (www.glover-ace.com/) Is hiring for a few positions in Calgary and Airdrie. Basic English is needed, but already have Ukrainian working there who can help. Matching group RRSP, and group benefits are offered. Please see the attached job description, interested candidates should reach out to Curtis Austring, HR Manager at curtis.austring@glover-ace.com Ignite Technology (ignitetechnology.com/) hiring in Alberta and Ontario – please see the attached job descriptions. For any questions, please reach out to their HR Manager, Lea Price Lea.Price@ignitetechnology.com Jim Van Brunschot is looking for men to help build fences in Calgary. No prior experience necessary. Please call at 403-888-0939 Opportunities with AHS: Alberta Health Services Career Site: careers.albertahealthservices.ca/moreinfo/acutecare TK Tires & Auto is looking for a Journeyman Technician/Light Duty Mechanic (and would like to offer this position to a Ukrainian newcomer – as long as they have the technical training.). Please reach out to Trevor Kerr at 403-998-3091 Seamstress who knows how to work with industrial machines to work on wedding dresses and fixing clothes. Please 403.225.9777 or stop by the store with any questions and I will be happy to answer as best I can. We are located at Plaza Avenida, #315-12100 Macleod Trail SE and our hours are Mon-Fri 10:00pm to 5:00pm and Sat 10:00am to 3:00pm. If you are interested, or know anyone who is please stop by Hanna's Design in Avenida to discuss pay/hours of work . It is a wedding dress repair shop near Southcentre mall that also fixes clothes. We speak English, Polish and a little Ukrainian Olymel in Red Deer hired more than 200 Ukrainians, who are arrived under the CUAET program. They are still hiring and ready to accommodate more newcomers (see the attached poster below). Alex Orlov RSE J.Carp., BSc Eng., from SNA Construction, still have full time position open: Cribbers, Rodbusters, skilled labour. Please have them to sent resume to info@snaconstruction.com. For more information please contact Alex directly at Cell +1 (403) 467-8874 or alex@snaconstruction.com Mihail Scutelniciuc from Bufalus Transport Ltd (www.bufalus.com) is still looking for 3 more long haul Canada-USA class one drivers. Please reach out to him at info@bufalus.com or Office:403-910-6606 ext.2 or Cell:587-894-0221 Warmest Regards, The Fisher Law Team
так там что сразу можно подавать если есть 5 адванст?
На фб в группе "Калгарi українською" как раз статья вышла, как познакомится с культурой их
Спасибо большое
Thanks for your support ❤️ unfortunately, I didn’t have practice with my teacher. She was teaching me grammar only.
Віддамо, бажано самовивіз. Район Westbrook
Мы в Испании письмо на доп. Документы пришло (Париж) ждём….
Ребенку визу вклеили очень быстро и без разрешения отца.Видимо раз на раз не приходится
Я делала нотариально заверенное заявление, образец которого на оф.сайте, и у меня его попросили неделю назад, как дополнительный документ, визу младшей дочери ещё не вклеили, ждём!!!
Віза ні на що не впливає. Головний документ - Work permit
У меня черная карта membership. 2% Cashback. Покупаю много и постоянно. Вот вернулся чек в январе на приличную сумму ( Cashback по черной карте приходит раз в год в виде физического чека). Плюс у меня через них страховка на собаку и много других домашних моментов.
Кроме больших объёмов лично для меня никаких. Ну есть пара-тройка товаров по норм цене и всё
А чем хорошо костко? Цены не особо отличаются от волмарта. Есть какие то преимущества неочевидные?
Всем привет, у кого есть опыт работы в интернете в Канаде. Напишите пожалуйста в личку .
Всем привет, у кого есть опыт работы в интернете в Канаде. Напишите пожалуйста в личку .
20 Jan 2023, 19:11
29 minutes ago