UKR 🇺🇦Edmonton 🇨🇦 Chat
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Hello My name is Dmytro Vlasiuk, I am from Ukraine. My family and I want to migrate to Canada in the city of Edmonton, and we are looking for someone who could help us and shelter us for a while, until we can not integrate ourselves and rent apartments and that I went to work. There are 4 of us. My mother she is 54 years old, I am Dmitry I am 31 years old, my wife Dana she is 27 years old and our daughter Emily she is 6 years old. We really need help, we will be very grateful to you. Thank you in advance.
D 🇩🇪 Вітаємо в UKR 🇺🇦Edmonton 🇨🇦 Chat Правила чату: 1.Мова спілкування - на Ваш вибір 2.НІ мовним питанням 3.Поважати співбесідників 4.За розпалювання ворожнечі БАН 5.Нецензурна лексика заборонена 6.Самореклама заборонена.