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Всім привіт, маю таке питання. Чи хтось через кризову форму змінював дати про працевлаштування? бо я наткнувся шо вказав на рік більше працював у фірмі, а виявилось що навпаки. І тепер не знаю, чи змінять мені це. Вказав що працював 4 роки, а по факту 3 =( дякую
19:00 за часом Вінніпега
«Щирий» українець. Звертайтесь 😂
Можна, я писала в Едмонтон с цим питанням, вони відповіли, що зроблять
Привіт, народ хтось орендує житло за адресою 865 Panet Rd, Winnipeg, які у вас відгуки про це місце, район, хочу орендувати там квартиру, житиму з дитиною, а відгуки різні
Если пропустил встречу с семейным врачом, возможно ли как то избежать штрафа?
Ещё недельку. Потом домой. У дочи ДР, нужно поздравить, ждёт )))
Доброго часу доби. Перепрошую, а при переїзді з однієї провінції до іншої (отримав робочу візу по програмі CUET) тимчасовим житлом в іншій провінції знову можна скористатися чи вже ні? Дякую.
Шукаю авто в аренду на 2 дня
не скрізь є тимчасове житло. а там, де є, можуть бути різні умови надання житла, тому перевіряйте на місці куда їдете
Всем доброе утро))Ура пятница
Але таке можливо в принципі? Кочувати з провінції в провінцію певний час? Дякую.
In Flanders Fields BY JOHN MCCRAE In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
The WWI Origins of the Poppy as a Remembrance Symbol The Remembrance Day symbolism of the poppy started with a poem written by a World War I brigade surgeon who was struck by the sight of the red flowers growing on a ravaged battlefield. BY: SARAH PRUITT UPDATED: MAY 21, 2020 | ORIGINAL: MAY 25, 2017 copy page link  From 1914 to 1918, World War I took a greater human toll than any previous conflict, with some 8.5 million soldiers dead of battlefield injuries or disease. The Great War, as it was then known, also ravaged the landscape of Western Europe, where most of the fiercest fighting took place. From the devastated landscape of the battlefields, the red poppy would grow and, thanks to a famous poem, become a powerful symbol of remembrance. Across northern France and Flanders (northern Belgium), the brutal clashes between Allied and Central Powers soldiers tore up fields and forests, tearing up trees and plants and wreaking havoc on the soil beneath. But in the warm early spring of 1915, bright red flowers began peeking through the battle-scarred land: Papaver rhoeas, known variously as the Flanders poppy, corn poppy, red poppy and corn rose. As Chris McNab, author of “The Book of the Poppy,” wrote in an excerpt published in the Independent, the brilliantly colored flower is actually classified as a weed, which makes sense given its tenacious nature. PUBLIC DOMAIN JOHN MCCRAE IN UNIFORM. Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian who served as a brigade surgeon for an Allied artillery unit, spotted a cluster of poppies that spring, shortly after the Second Battle of Ypres. McCrae tended to the wounded and got a firsthand look at the carnage of that clash, in which the Germans unleashed lethal chlorine gas for the first time in the war. Some 87,000 Allied soldiers were killed, wounded or went missing in the battle (as well as 37,000 on the German side); a friend of McCrae’s, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, was among the dead. Struck by the sight of bright red blooms on broken ground, McCrae wrote a poem, “In Flanders Field,” in which he channeled the voice of the fallen soldiers buried under those hardy poppies. Published in Punch magazine in late 1915, the poem would be used at countless memorial ceremonies and became one of the most famous works of art to emerge from the Great War. Its fame had spread far and wide by the time McCrae himself died, from pneumonia and meningitis, in January 1918. www.history.com/news/world-war-i-poppy-remembrance-symbol-veterans-day
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21 Jan 2023, 07:33
about 5 hours ago