Вінніпег для українців Канада
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
Сандалі Crocs нові, оригінальні. Мега зручні. Розмір 7 (23 см по устілці). На наш 36-37 40 Cad
Чоловіча куртка Kirkland (весна-осінь). Вітронепроникна, водостійка, на флісовому утеплювачі. В чудовому стані Розмір L 40 cad
Чоловічий водонепроникний костюм Milwaukee: Штани на підтяжках та куртка. Із світловідбиваючими елементами, супер якість! Розмір XL, новий 60 cad
Дві нові тумби, запаковані, не зібрані. Якщо необхідно, допоможемо зібрати! Ціна 70 сad за дві!
Ой спасибо 🙏 добрые люди
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
🎁 NOT ARE WAITING FOR YOU! 😈Take part in the AIRDROP of 1.000.000 $NOT right now. Go to WEBAPP application, connect your wallet, perform tasks, invite your friends and earn additional NOT. ❤️Only thanks to you we exist, only thanks to you we made this AirDrop, let’s move together! 🚀The era of NOTCOIN is not
у меня 5-3-4-5, и средний 4, но это не значит абсолютно ничего, всё должно быть минимум на 4...
нет конечно