Winnipeg for Ukrainians - chat
Can you proof ?
What it is racism ?
I apologize for consulting you and seeking help. Unfortunately, I encounter racism here.
Sir, Google translate translated it wrong, I wanted to say that my family members have Ukrainian grandparents.
Але ж це не про нас 😂
Так а хто ж його зрозуміє. Щось явно хоче і називає кодову фразу "ай ем юкреініан"
If he wants to have better job.....
Ну , що він хоче від нас ?
I am not brother or sister
Одразу видно, що з українцями Микола справ не мав до цього 😀
Sory big brother
For construction or cleaning services or any
I am not sister
Big sister, I'm just trying to reach good people, I'm trying to do my best.
Everyone was lonely 🥺
We can't catch you
my sister. I am a lonely young man who does no harm to anyone. I just wanted to consult. This is my first time joining the group.
And Manitoba start can give for you some advice
Yes, I tired you too, thank you for your time, love, respect, good night.
21 Jan 2023, 23:31
less than a minute ago