No pedestrian approaching pedestrian control signals and facing a solid or flashing “don’t walk” indication shall enter the roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (27).
“Don’t walk” signals either read “don’t walk” or they show a flashing hand, a solid hand, or they are a countdown. More than one of these signals might appear and they all mean the same thing – DON’T WALK.
So, a pedestrian is coming up to an intersection. He is still on the sidewalk when the “walk” turns into a countdown for 20 seconds. If he crosses the road, he can get a ticket. The countdown does not mean how much time a pedestrian has to begin to cross and to finish crossing the road. It means how much time a pedestrian who is already in the intersection has LEFT to FINISH crossing.
It is a ticketable offence to cross the intersection when there is “don’t walk sign” which includes the countdown. If you begin to cross while the “walk” sign shows, there is no ticketable offence.
Ticketable pedestrian offences:
144 (22)
Pedestrian fail to use crosswalk
144 (24)
Pedestrian disobey flashing green light
144 (25)
Pedestrian disobey red light
144 (25)
Pedestrian disobey amber light
144 (27)
Pedestrian disobey “don’t walk” signal