Winnipeg for Ukrainians - chat
И в принципе на киви есть опция выбора авиакомпаний и многое другое.
What approval are you referring to? Are you coming to Canada under the CUAET program?
Спасибо, взаимно! 🌹
Merhaba türkçe bilen bir arkadaş varmı acaba ☺️bugun onayım geldi ve sormam gereken durumlar var
С праздником! Счастья
You need ukrainian citizenship and this program lasts only to 31.03.2023
Is finding a job offer a good option by the way?
I will do some research about CUAET program and see if it can help me migrate
Hello @DariaMaverick good to see someone speaking English in here
Here we are talking mostly about cuaet program. If you have questions about it you can ask in this chat
Hello everyone, I'm sorry O don't speak Ukrainian but I am so happy for all of you who made it out safely to Canada. Being in Afghanistan and the seeing war from close I can understand how relieved you must be feeling and how worried you people must be about your relatives who are left behind. I wish you people best of luck, may all of you succeed and may the war come to a peaceful end in Ukraine. Ameen
Подскажите пожалуйста. Сфоткала имейл швейной фабрики-и не могу разобрать последние буквы: iwiens@freeg???.ca Вот буквы где вопросики не пойму)) Кто знает-напишите пожалуйста. Спасибо!
That's a bad news for me then lol I just hope there still is a chance. Canada is a great place to move to, and is on the top in my list
Not so good option now because a lot of immigrants are inside Canada and it's easier for employers to find employees in Canada with valid work permit than to approve a work visa outside Canada
Sadly I'm not Ukrainian citizen but I hope you guys can help me find a way
No, you need to be at least a doctor or a basketball trainer
I've got experience in accounting and super market management. I've been recommended in the past by previous employers
If you're a good pro in some specific professions you can apply for a work visa
What questions do you have regarding it?
21 Jan 2023, 23:31
15 minutes ago