Імміграція до Манітоби
Ви працюєте в автопак?
Питання більше про те, скільки буде коштувати Канаді ваша підтримка або лікування А не те чи є у вас група чи ні
Чоловік працює в автопак, і за цю ліцензію не дають 100 балів Позиція auto insurance advisor Ліцензія MIC
В цьому немає сенсу Ця анкета 20 хвилин вашого часу
Я питала щось подібне напряму у MPNP, ось їх відповідь - You can claim 100 additional points for being fully recognized by a provincial licensing body if: You are working in a profession or trade that requires licensing in Manitoba, and You have completed all necessary steps to become licensed/certified to practice in Manitoba. If the question "If your occupation is regulated in Manitoba, are you fully recognized by the provincial licensing body after undergoing all steps of having your qualifications assessed?" does not appear under the More Information tab when you enter your National Occupation Classification (NOC) under the Eligibility tab, it means you are not eligible for gaining 100 points for "Fully recognized by provincial licensing body". The Expression of Interest (EOI) system only generates this question if a regulated occupation is selected.
я запитувала про ліцензію напряму у MPNP. Ось їжня відповідь - You can claim 100 additional points for being fully recognized by a provincial licensing body if: You are working in a profession or trade that requires licensing in Manitoba, and You have completed all necessary steps to become licensed/certified to practice in Manitoba. If the question "If your occupation is regulated in Manitoba, are you fully recognized by the provincial licensing body after undergoing all steps of having your qualifications assessed?" does not appear under the More Information tab when you enter your National Occupation Classification (NOC) under the Eligibility tab, it means you are not eligible for gaining 100 points for "Fully recognized by provincial licensing body". The Expression of Interest (EOI) system only generates this question if a regulated occupation is selected.