Ніякої спеціальної підтримки для інвалідів, чи тому подібного немає. Є лише по перше оце:
Фінансова допомога від провінції Манітоба
Ukrainian Refugees Eligible for TAP Benefits
The Manitoba government is continuing to welcome as many Ukrainians as possible who are fleeing a brutal war of aggression, providing a full range of provincial support services. Along with providing social assistance, the Manitoba government is now also providing direct financial assistance to support Ukrainians that need help.
Ukrainians arriving in Manitoba with no source of income will now be eligible to apply for Temporary Assistance Program (TAP) benefits:
Provides monthly income for basic needs and helps to support transition from temporary provincial hotel accommodations to longer-term community rental housing.
TAP eligibility will also facilitate additional health benefits not otherwise covered under provincial health care cards, including access to prescription drug, dental and optical benefits.
The amount of funding people will receive will be made on a case-by-case basis, based on personal income circumstances and the number of people per family.
Benefits will be provided for up to six months.
Apply for TAP:
Call 204-945-5324
Email to
[email protected]
Request application at the reception centre
For more information on how people can access services at the reception centre, please call Manitoba Government Inquiry at 204-945-3744 or toll-free at 1-866-MANITOBA (1-866-626-4862)