Імміграція до Манітоби
Усім , хто прилітає до Манітоби найближчим часом, зверніть увагу: Arriving in Canada soon? Download the ArriveCAN app and fill out the COVID-19 form from your app to save time! Learn more here: www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/latest-travel-health-advice.html#ua Who can use this form? - Canadian travelers returning from abroad - Approved permanent residents - Approved international students and temporary foreign workers - Visitors with a visitor visa or eTA who are allowed to enter Canada under current COVID-19 restrictions
Dear Sir or Madam, Please accept this letter as support for the application for a temporary resident visa for my wife and me. Our marriage certificate is on pages 5-10. The purpose of this trip is to get acquainted with the city of Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba, to visit various cultural and educational places, to meet with representatives of the Ukrainian Diaspora as well as to be interviewed by an immigration officer. We are planing to stay in Canada from 10th of June till 22th of June 2019. For the duration of our stay in Canada my wife and I have taken leaves at our current jobs. The letters from our workplaces on preserving our positions for the period of our vacation as well as salaries are presented on pages 11-14(mine) and pages 15-18 (my wife’s). We both have well-paid jobs, real estate object (pages 19-22) and several cars (pages 23-24) here in Ukraine. For the time of this trip our beloved daughter and dear pets will stay at home with the grandfather. In July, our daughter is going to visit the children's tourist camp, and it is very important for us to return before her departure in order to make necessary preparations for her trip. We pledge to strictly follow the visa rules, do not violate them, and leave Canada within a strictly agreed time frame. As in Ukraine, we respect the laws of Canada and pledge to abide by them. Since we are invited by the Ukrainian organization, which is reputable for each visitor, and we highly appreciate its attitude to us, we will not create problems for people who trust us as well as local residents. Letter of Invitation was received from Sergii Obroztsov, Chairman of the Immigration Committee of the Ukrainian-Canadian Congress - Manitoba Provincial Council (pages 2-3). While in Canada we are going to stay at .... Please, find a more detailed plan of our trip on page 4. Also, we have already issued travel insurances for the period from June 3, 2019 to June 2, 2020, .... in the insurance company ERV. We hope to receive positive decision from you in response to our application. We are grateful to you for your time and attention.
Так діліться, буде у нагоді
Щиро всім дякую.
To Embassy of Canada Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you in advance for taking your time to consider this letter, main purpose of which is to explain why me and my husband are applying for temporary visitor visas to Canada for the period ххх–ххх My name is ХХХ, I’m citizen of Ukraine, currently obtaining the position of ХХХ in ХХХ. My husband, ХХХ, citizen of Ukraine, is working as ХХХ in ХХХ. Thanks to support of Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Manitoba Provincial Council, in frame of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, we were invited to the exploratory visit to Winnipeg. During the visit, planned for 19.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 we hope to discover different aspects of the living in Winnipeg (including housing, education, lifestyle opportunities etc.) in order to discuss on the interview with the MPNP representative our perspectives of immigration to the province (in other words, if the province can consider us as a eligeble candidates for further support). We do not take our two children (ХХ and ХХ years old) with us to Canada so they will stay at home (they are pupils of ХХth and ХХst classes and will have to attend a school classes). My mother, who is a pensioner, will come to us from ХХХ to take care of our daughter and son temporary on the period of our absence. My elderly father is feeling not very well and can’t join my mom for childcare, so he will stay at their home in ХХХ and will be waiting the returning of my mom there. For this trip, we are taking our paid annual vacations, so after returning home we will have our jobs valid for us (moreover, I have already scheduled business-trip – please, find attached an order from my employer as a proof). We have prepared the detailed plan of our stay in the Capital of Friendly Manitoba to get to know it from all aspects:
During all trip we will stay at Quality Inn & Suites Winnipeg (635 Pembina Highway, R3M 2L4 Winnipeg) and on the 28.09.19 we will leave Canada and return to Ukraine. I can assure you that we value a lot the privilege of getting the Canadian visa and respect the rules of cross bordering as well as our impeccable reputation of the respectable travelers (our frequent travel history in our passports can be an evidence of this). That is why at any circumstances we will not violate any rules, laws and duration of our stay in Canada. I hope you will consider the explanations provided in this letter as well as our motives as clear, transparent and trustworthy, but in case of any question I am at your disposal to provide any additional explanation or proof document
Не пройшло і півроку, а я відповідаю😊 - в LOE я писала виходячи з власної персональної ситуації. Бо вони у відмові написали один з пунктів, що сумніваються,чи я повернуся з Канади, от і писала, що чоловік залишається в Польщі, що я залежу від працедавця,бо тимчасове резидентство видається на підставі праці і т.п. - в плані писала докладно по дням, що буду робити протягом візиту. Вказувала години праці, лінки на сайти з ким зустрічаюсь іт.д.
Привіт усім. Чи може хтось поділитися успішним мотиваційним листом для відкриття візи на Exploratory visit?
Вітаю усіх! Інформація для тих хто хоче іммігрувати до Манітоби через освіту/навчання! Як завжди, о 12-тій годині за Вінніпезьким часом, (або 8-ма година вечора в Україні) у цю п'ятницю (14 Серпня) відбудеться вебінар на тему імміграції до Манітоби через освіту та навчання. Будь ласка, поширюйте це для своїх друзів та тих, хто хоче іммігрувати до Канади! UCC-MPC ZOOM is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Імміграція до Манітоби через навчання Time: Aug 14, 2020 12:00 PM Winnipeg Join Zoom Meeting us02web.zoom.us/j/85925598809?pwd=elpMTVRBK1RVbENmRkd2b254aHhmUT09 Meeting ID: 859 2559 8809 Passcode: 188061 Meeting ID: 859 2559 8809 Passcode: 188061 Find your local number: us02web.zoom.us/u/kcbwd7SmTg Це відео буде записано та викладено до нашого YouTube каналу. Задавайте та пишіть ваші питання під постом, щоб ми потім змогли дати відповідь. Прошу при підключенні до конференції вимкнути мікрофон та камеру для того щоб мати гарний зв'язок та не перевантажувати Zoom. Чат для запитань буде відкритий. Будемо з нетерпінням чекати на вас та ваші запитання. З повагою, Immigration and Settlement Coordinator Анастасія