Імміграція до Манітоби
Holy Mackinaw!
STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM Pre-higher education: Duration of compulsory education: Age of entry: 6 Age of exit: 15 Structure of school system: Elementary Type of school providing this education: Elementary School Length of program in years: 4 Age level from: 6 to: 10 Lower Secondary Type of school providing this education: Lower Secondary (Osnowna Serednia Shkola) Length of program in years: 5 Age level from: 10 to: 15 Certificate/diploma awarded: Swidoctwo Pro Nepownu Seredniu Oswitu/Lower Secondary School Leaving Certificate Upper Secondary Type of school providing this education: Upper Secondary Special School (Licei) Length of program in years: 3 Age level from: 15 to: 18 Certificate/diploma awarded: Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate Upper Secondary Type of school providing this education: Upper Secondary School (Starsha Serednia Shkola) Length of program in years: 3 Age level from: 15 to: 18 Certificate/diploma awarded: Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate
Я здається вказувала 12😰🤔🤔🤔 Я зараз пошукаю у своїх скріншотах і можливо там буде. Щоб точно бути впевненою🙈 Я опиралась на визначення Secondary education в Україні. Я навчалась в загальноосвітній середній школі. У моєму випадку відлік я робила з 5го класу по 11ий - 7р Далі стандарт, вища освіта - 5р Разом у мене вийшло 12р.