Імміграція до Манітоби
і це ж не тільки у цій групі ви запостили.
тут українці, всі такі само хитрожопі як і ви. Не треба це недооцінювати ;)
приберіть рефералку. You will earn commissions as fixed amount or as a percentage of the total price of a first lesson, purchased from your unique referral link. The more students you will refer to us the higher the commission.
можете самокікнутися. Поможіть собі сама.
ще двох бракує ;)
тут вибірка найхитрожопіших.
Це тупо реклама а не порада
у закріплених пробували дивитися?
Your employer must be incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada and operating as a business that has an established production capability, plant or place of business in Manitoba. Your employer must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the MPNP that they are an established business with an ability to offer you full-time and long-term employment in Manitoba.