Імміграція до Манітоби
Document format: You will have to scan paper documents into PDF files and each file must be less than 2 MB. Please also note that: ▪ Documents should not be scanned using a mobile phone. ▪ Documents should be scanned in colour. ▪ Scanner resolution should be a minimum of 300 dpi (dots per inch). ▪ No enhancement or editing should be done to a scanned document. If the file size is over 2MB, try scanning and saving one page at a time rather than reducing resolution or compressing colours.
Я нічого не писав про 3 роки, але ви не праві щодо реєстрації у провінції. Щодо 3 років, то це пішло від критеріїв MPNP для роботодавців, яким саме MPNP надає Employer services. До імміграційних програм це не має відношення, але кожен читає як хоче. immigratemanitoba.com/employer-services/eligibility/
Your employer must be incorporated or registered by or under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada and operating as a business that has an established production capability, plant or place of business in Manitoba. Your employer must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the MPNP that they are an established business with an ability to offer you full-time and long-term employment in Manitoba.