Доброго дня, чи означає це що можна тепер повноцінно навчатися без study permit?
Dear client,
By receiving this email correspondence, you are eligible to study without a study permit as of June 27, 2023, by way of a new, temporary public policy.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has implemented a public policy to temporarily allow eligible work permit holders, and those authorized to work without a permit under R186(u) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, to study without a study permit.
Please read the information in the following links and carefully save this email for your personal records and for future enrolment at educational institutions. The links below outline eligibility and considerations for you to keep in mind including permanent residency implications.
A new application is not required to receive this facilitation.
New measure to benefit foreign workers looking to improve their skills
Public policy allowing some work permit holders to study without a study permit
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada