Українська Манітоба
Ви можете поповнити рахунок на 8 тис щороку. Зароблені % то окремо від ліміту
The current best mortgage rate is 4.74%. Can you confirm if WOW offers this rate?
The interest rates are gradually decreasing. In truth, landlords are not actually paying interest on their mortgages, as they can deduct them while filing taxes. However, some landlords evade paying taxes, which makes them ineligible to write off their taxes. Ultimately, regardless of the interest rate on the mortgage, landlords still tend to raise the rent.
I think you're right. I was thinking about (WOWa) comparing mortgage rates on However, since the site is sponsored by mortgage brokers, the information may not be entirely honest.
I don't work for WOWa. I work against them.
Люди, підкажіть будь ласка, хто вже подавався на child bebefits після 18 місяців перебування в Манітобі - як то робиться ? і про які суми/в місяць йдеться мова ? 🙏