Українська Манітоба
Trade relations between the US and Canada Trade relations between the US and Canada are pivotal in influencing the USD/CAD exchange rate positively and negatively. When there is uncertainty or tension surrounding trade agreements, such as during the NAFTA renegotiation and implementation period in 2020, the exchange rate can experience fluctuations due to market apprehension about the economic impact of potential changes. In contrast, establishing stable trade agreements, like the USMCA in 2020, can bolster investor confidence and positively impact the USD/CAD exchange rate. Such agreements provide a sense of security, encouraging cross-border investments and trade, which can lead to an appreciation of the CAD against the USD. On the other hand, any disruptions or concerns in trade relations could lead to a depreciation of the CAD relative to the USD (appreciating the currency) as investors seek refuge in the US Dollar amidst uncertainty. Geopolitical factors Geopolitical factors like political stability and global events are important in determining whether the USD appreciates or depreciates against the CAD. When political stability prevails in the United States and Canada, investor confidence is bolstered, attracting foreign investments and potentially driving currency appreciation for USD/CAD. However, instances of political turmoil in either nation can breed uncertainty, prompting capital flight and undermining currency value. If there is political unrest in the USD, it could depreciate the USD and vice versa. Moreover, pivotal global events like the COVID-19 pandemic also impact the currency. Initially, COVID-19 strengthened the USD, while subsequent variations in government responses and economic outcomes altered the trajectory.
А зрозуміла, дякую;) Франкфурт, Шарль-де-голь, Торонто їдеш їдеш від терміналу до терміналу не кінця не краю їм нема 🤪 особливо якщо рейс запізнився то прям бігти 🏃♀️ треба.
Oil prices The relationship between oil prices and the USD/CAD exchange rate is closely tied to the significant dependence of the Canadian economy on oil exports. The Canadian Dollar (CAD) is considered a commodity currency, and oil price fluctuations substantially influence its value. When global oil prices increase, as seen in 2021, Canada experiences an increase in revenue from its oil exports. This improved economic outlook enhances investor confidence in the Canadian economy, prompting them to invest more in CAD-denominated assets. The resulting higher demand for the CAD causes its value to strengthen relative to the US Dollar (USD). Additionally, rising oil prices can fuel inflationary pressures, prompting the Bank of Canada to consider raising interest rates. The promise of higher returns attracts foreign capital seeking investment opportunities in Canada, further strengthening the CAD against the USD. A decrease in oil prices (like witnessed in 2020) can lead to USD appreciation against the CAD as Canada’s reliance on oil exports could weaken its economy, reducing demand for the CAD. The Canadian central bank might lower interest rates to counter this, making USD investments more appealing due to a wider interest rate gap. Additionally, potential budget deficits from lower oil revenue could undermine the CAD’s strength, favoring the USD as a lesser amount would be required to import the same amount of oil from Canada.
Factors affecting USD/CAD Economic indicators Economic indicators such as GDP growth, unemployment rates, and inflation directly impact the USD/CAD exchange rate. Strong GDP growth and low unemployment in the US compared to Canada can appreciate the USD against the CAD, reflecting a stronger US economy. Conversely, relative to the US, high inflation in Canada can depreciate the CAD against the USD, eroding purchasing power and reducing attractiveness to investors. For instance, Canada’s GDP growth outpaced that of the US in recent years (mostly equal to the US’s), leading to periods of CAD strength. In July 2023, Canada’s unemployment rate stood at 5.5%, while the US reported an unemployment rate of 3.5%, potentially influencing CAD depreciation against the USD due to a weaker labor market. Interest rates and monetary policy The Bank of Canada (BoC) and the US Federal Reserve (Fed) monetary policies drive investor behavior in the USD/CAD market. For instance, in 2023, the BoC raised its interest rates multiple times (to 5%) to manage inflation, causing the CAD to strengthen. However, the Fed did the same thing and increased its interest rates to 5.5% in July 2023, but the hike was lower than the hike in Canadian rates, appreciating the CAD against USD compared to historical prices. Conversely, if the Fed raised rates while the BoC maintained a more accommodative stance, the USD could appreciate against the CAD.
Ось різні фактори з прикладами, які прямо впливають на курс канадського долара по відношенню до американського. Список цих факторів не є вичерпним. History of USD/CAD Over the years, the USD/CAD exchange rate has been influenced by various events. The exchange rate history reveals instances where the Canadian Dollar gained strength against the US Dollar due to rising commodity prices, particularly oil, as Canada is a major exporter of energy products. Conversely, economic downturns or global uncertainties have sometimes led to a strengthening of the US Dollar and a weakening of the Canadian Dollar as investors sought the relatively reduced risk of the USD. USD/CAD reached one of its highest points of around 1.3860 CAD on March 11, 2023, while it traded around an exchange rate of around 1 from 2012 to 2014. The period between 2019 to 2022 saw the exchange rate dropping from 1.31 to 1.29. This period saw various factors at play, including the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, oil price volatility (given Canada’s status as a major oil exporter), and shifts in market sentiment.
Це мабуть писав тойже хто казав шо у москалів економіка на добру половину це грощі за газ та нафту..... а по виходу експорт у москалів впав надно.... а економіка не фіга не падае.... чудо прям не інакше.... Кажуж псевдо-економисти таку чухню пишуть.....
Ви про температурний режим трохи думайте. Ну не буде тут зелені такої як у Європі. Вітер, мороз… На це ніяк не вплинеш
6500 кроків в Торонто від Терміналу 1 до Терміналу 3 і до гейту) Ще трохи, і можна було б пішки йти в Вінніпег)
Так а що з ним не так? У мене доволі свіжі спогади про аеропорт Торонто, але він нічим принципово за моїм враженням не відрізняється від Швехату, Фьюмічіно, аеропорту Мюнхену, наприклад, може, тільки розміром. Що вас зачепило? Я зараз не щоб посперечатися, мені правда цікаво, що залишає негативний слід
А вона на Вас чекає :)
А знаєте де ще крутий аеропорт? В Туркменістані 😂