Доброго вечора.
Кто мені може підказати, якщо я був признаний винним у дтп на 100%
Це значить що я не получу по страховці нічого за свою разбиту автівку у випадку, якщо у чувака який в мене вїхав не було страховки?
Ось с сайту MPI
For instance, if the other driver was 100 per cent at fault, you’ll get back 100 per cent of your deductible from the other driver’s coverage. But if the other driver was only 25 per cent at fault, you’ll get back only 25 per cent of your deductible from the other driver’s coverage.
If you are at fault, you are not required to personally pay the other party’s deductible. This expense is covered by your third-party liability coverage under Basic Autopac.
Remember though, this only applies when we know who the other motorist is, and we insure both of you. If the at-fault driver lives outside Manitoba and has insurance with another company, we will pursue a claim against the other driver or their insurer. There are no guarantees on whether we will be successful with recovery of these damages.