Manitoba voters have many convenient ways to vote in the upcoming provincial election.
Advance Voting
Advance voting runs for eight days, from Saturday, Sept. 23 until Saturday, Sept. 30. During advance voting, Manitobans can vote at any one of 300 advance polling locations in the province. Hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. Sunday with some exceptions. All locations and hours can be found on Elections Manitoba’s website.
There are over 300 advance voting locations throughout the province including every local election office. With advance polls at locations like The Forks, Health Sciences Centre and Richardson International Airport in Winnipeg, Thompson’s City Centre Mall, Brandon Regional Health Centre, plus shopping centres and university campuses across the province, voters will have many convenient options for voting in advance.
Voting on Election Day
Voters can vote at any poll in their electoral division on election day, Oct. 3.
Voters can find their suggested election day and advance polling places on their voter information card or on the Elections Manitoba website. All polling locations and hours are available at the Elections Manitoba website.
Absentee Voting
Voters who will be away on election day and during advance voting can apply for absentee voting. Voters can apply online or at the local election office. The deadline to apply is Sept. 30 at 8 p.m. but voters are encouraged to apply early so they have enough time to receive and return their ballot.
Homebound Voting
Those unable to go in person to a polling place due to a disability may apply to vote at home. Caregivers may also apply to vote at home. Applications are available online or from the local election office. Applications must be received at the local election office by 8 p.m. on Oct. 2.
Voting With Assistance
In addition to homebound voting, Elections Manitoba provides several services to assist voters:
• Voters may request a language or sign language interpreter. Voters should contact their local election office as early as possible to request this service.
• Polling places have braille ballot templates.
• Voters may bring someone 16 years or older to help them vote or ask a voting officer for help.
• Voters may use their own assistive devices, including smart phone apps, to vote.
• If a voter is unable to go inside the polling place because of a disability, voters can vote from their vehicle.
ID to Vote
All voters require ID to vote, either one piece of government-issued photo ID with their address on it or two other pieces of ID. There are many options. A complete list of acceptable ID is available on the Elections Manitoba website.
Voters are encouraged to bring their voter information card, which can be used as one piece of ID.
Voters can find information about where to vote, ID requirements, accessible voting, local election office locations and more at