Українська Канада
Залиште ваш примітивний сарказм для себе) ,тут українська група і очевидно,що я запитую про українських фотографів сер.
Доброго дня всім, скажіть будь ласка чи можливо знаєте компетентних фотографів у Торонто? Дуже вдячний за будь яку інформацію!
I apologize for any confusion, let me clarify on your question about free hotel stays for Ukrainian citizens in Toronto. It's not likely that you will be able to find free hotel stays in Toronto specifically for Ukrainian citizens. While some charities or non-profits might offer temporary housing for individuals in need, this is typically limited and not widely available. As for finding lodging near the airport in Toronto, there are a few options available to you. One option is to check with the airport directly, they might have a list of nearby hotels that offer shuttle service to and from the airport. Another option is to check with Ukrainian consulate or any cultural or community organizations in Toronto, they might have a list of Ukrainian-friendly places or hostels that offer accommodation at a lower cost for Ukrainian citizens or new immigrants. In case you're not able to find a place to stay, it's always best to have a plan B, such as booking a room in a nearby hotel or arranging for a pick-up service from a family member or friend
There are a few ways you can find information about a hotel at the airport in Toronto. One way is to use an online travel website such as Expedia, or to search for hotels in the airport area. These websites will typically show you a list of hotels with prices and availability, as well as customer reviews. Another way is to contact the airport directly and ask if they have a list of hotels near the airport. They should be able to provide you with a list of options and contact information for each hotel. You may also contact the particular hotel and ask them if they are located near airport or have shuttle service or other transportation for arriving guests. Also, You may check how to get from airport to the hotel and book transfer. It is also generally a good idea to book your hotel room in advance, as this will ensure that you have a room when you arrive and that you get the best possible price. In some cases, if you are arriving to the hotel late, you may need to book a room the previous day.
180 days Halifax
дякую вам, ну я теж так думаю
тоді складніше. прийдеться їхати на власний страх і ризик. з другого боку насправді ніхто ніде нічого не перевіряє навіть в аеропортах. ви будете рухатись всередині шенгену а значить діють внутрішні довіра між країнами. тобто якщо ви попали в польщу - значить вас добре перевірили і нема сенсу тратити на вас більше ресурсів в цій справі всередині інших країн шенгену. і так - ніхто вас нікуди не депортує. український паспорт зараз дуже привілейований.
дякую за відповідь, а якщо я був уже до війни в Польщі?