Українська Канада
Летела в начале ноября с Варшавы ( Шопен), там нет вет досмотра. Просят просто паспорт собаки и смотрят его. Для ввоза собаки в Канаду из ЕС титры не нужны. Действительная вакцина от бешенства и обработка блохи, глисты..плюс печать гос вет. Вот и всё)
Виглядає як Скандинавія, не як Канада:)
I flew in early November from Warsaw (Chopin), there is no vet check there. They simply ask for the dog’s passport and look at it. Titles are not required to import a dog into Canada from the EU. Valid rabies vaccine and treatment for fleas, a state veterinary seal. That's all )
Canada is a free country, a country of immigrants and everyone has the right to speak the language they are used to. It seems to me that the help provided is more important for a person than the language in which it is written. I think many in this group do not have a sufficient level of English to read and understand 100% of the posts.
Let’s do a quick math, correct me if I’m wrong: Around 400 lawmakers + their children (let’s say 800) + immediate family members (1600) + other relatives (3200) = 6,000 So just a bit more that one brigade? Right? I am sure they will make a huge impact on the frontline :)
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