(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Overall, less than half of all international students remained in their province of study in the year after graduation (compared with 8 in 10 domestic students). Many of them may have left Canada. This rate decreased to 36% five years after graduation for international students, compared with about 75% for domestic students. Retention rates of international students one year after graduation varied considerably by province of study and were highest in Alberta and lowest in the Atlantic provinces.
Канада такая, мы не будем воровать ваших граждан, мы не даем им беженство и пр, только ворк пермит. Но если они захотят, в PR мы им отказывать не будем 😂🙈 и еду понятно, что те, кто сейчас уезжает в Канаду, большинство не вернется в Украину обратно. Да и уедут только те, у кого есть деньги