(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Простий нарід не вірить в бінг)
Ну ВР поки що таке, але у майбутньому мб це буде крута фіча, якщо резолюшн і норм віддачу зображення зроблять, а не блювальний атракціон. Наче ПС Вр 2 буде норм, але хз
Без понятия. Я знаю как минимум два. Лучший из них - тот который ближе к оригиналу.
Сюжет без щупалец - не сюжет. Я согласен
сам прекрасно знаешь какого
Какого из?
Будем честны, сюжет там и так посредственный, только японцы умеют в сюжеты
#вакансія Type: employee $100 000 - $120 000 per year. Summary A VC backed real estate tech company disrupting Canadian real estate! We collect, clean, and display real estate data across Canada, and then apply machine learning methods to generate estimated home values. We build products for the real estate industry. We are looking for an experienced software developer to help us continue building our platform. You’ll be part of the core team, planning and building out new features. Who you are: • Maybe you are university educated, maybe you aren’t. We don’t care as long as you’re outstanding at problem-solving and analytical. • You are open to learning and feel confident that you can figure things out if you don’t know them. • You’re okay to work on your own but like being part of the team. • You have your own opinions (and express them respectfully). • You’ve had some experience working at a start-up and know that you will likely have to manage multiple tasks. • You’re comfortable wearing many hats and working in an environment where everyone pitches in to help when needed. Skills & Qualifications: • This is not an entry-level job. We’re looking for an experienced (5+ years) developer who wants to build and be part of a growing team. • Proven ability developing software using TypeScript. • Knowledge of web frameworks including React, NextJS and more. • Proficiency in cloud services including AWS (S3, Lambdas, ECS (Docker), API Gateway and AWS CDK) • Adept at working with databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git • Understanding of npm packages & semantic versioning • Backend development experience with NodeJS & GraphQL. • Moderate experience with the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) People with these additional qualifications are preferred: • You live in Edmonton (or surrounding area) • Some real estate experience • Experience with AWS Glue • Experience with Python, Spark • Experience with Monorepos • Experience with Github Actions Писать: @DTsyhankov (телеграмм)
cad or usd? і як компанія називаєтьься?
Исправила на CAD
Ми тут всі одна велика родина)
То видео для хоум архива))
вибачаюся, я не побачила вище - одразу скинула Наче така сама, видаляю
Відео де?)
це ж та ж вакансія, нє?
Оплатил с кредитки
Все, маю плюс сивик
west coast?
23 Jan 2023, 01:02
about 3 hours ago