Пишу им, что хочу чтобы стейтмент был с первого по последнее число каждого месяца, как в чекинге. Cначала спросили будет ли норм 27 числа? Потом будет ли норм 7 числа (due date 31, но зависит от месяца).
Потом состолся такой диалог:
>Just to clarify, would you like for the statement period of your credit card to be from, for example, April 1st to April 31st?
April 1 to April 30
May 1 to May 31
June 1 to June 30
>I was able to take a look into this for you and the closest to your preference days I was able to find is, the statement period, for example from April 4th to May 3rd, this would slightly vary each month.