(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Temporary foreign workers who hold a valid work permit may be eligible for OHIP coverage. The worker must be employed full-time for an employer in Ontario for a minimum of 6 months and : Maintain their primary place of residence in Ontario; and Be physically present in Ontario for at least 153 days in any 12-month period, and Be physically present in Ontario for 153 of the first 183 days immediately after establishing residency in the province www.health.gov.on.ca/en/public/publications/ohip/temp_foreign.aspx
Hi Mohamed Even though you're in a chat specific to the Ukrainian IT community in Canada, we could still answer your questions. But the main point that we need to know is, when you say 'America', do you mean the United States, or do you mean Canada as in North America? The answer will be different based on that, it's basically a 'no' for the US and a 'yes' for Canada (if you can still apply for CUAET program, the deadline is some time soon).
Очень напомнили мне дядю моего который любит выпить. Сразу показывает какую-то опасную хрень на грани жизни и смерти, ну нафиг 😄
то есть была какая-то серьёзная проблема, а сказали мол все окей, уходи?
как это понимать, лол
youtu.be/jeGlnThG6XA Мочили там друг друга, коменты тоже занятные
Такі речі потрібно узгоджувати з адміністрацією
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