(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
When the prize has been received as a gift, it is not included in computing income at the time of receipt. However, the recipient will be deemed to have acquired the prize at its fair market value pursuant to paragraph 69(1)(c), so that a subsequent disposition of the prize will result in a capital gain on any increase in value since the time of its acquisition. A prize can be reasonably considered to be a gift from the viewpoint of the recipient, even though chance and/or skill may have been involved in the win. Ordinarily a gift is not considered to have been made until the donee has received delivery of the gift and accepted it in a completed and irreversible transaction.
Статистически планирование детей после полномасштабной войны очень сильно упало, я не знаю что именно простимулирует людей рожать целенаправленно (планировать) во время войны особенно среди класса переферии. Возможно бесплатная квартира, или высокие выплаты
Но реверс - платно
Да тут даже вазектомия по охипу бесплатно
А ну может быть, я так по верхам слышал и тригнуло знатно
Не запрет, а по рецепту Приняли и отменили
Ну про экстренную контрацепцию вроде как не вброс