(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
We had our routine pre move-out inspection done at the beginning of May and had no communications that indicated there were any problems of note. Our rental deposit was applied to our last month's rent one month after the inspection took place. This morning we received an e-mail regarding a "chargeback". We had a minor nick at the sink edge of our countertop and in order to fix it they replaced the entire countertop. A photo of the nick and an invoice from the contractor detailing countertop replacement and also replacement of the kitchen sink and plumbing. The total amount from us for this work is just over $3200.00.
Где читала?
От як тут: www.google.com/maps/place/Dove+Canyon,+Rancho+Santa+Margarita,+CA+92679,+USA/@33.639647,-117.5709592,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x80dceb3ef68a7a93:0xc6c2f534878cddac!8m2!3d33.6385057!4d-117.5704369!16zL20vMGQ0c2o2?entry=ttu Парк, озеро, загальний басейн
Well, я був в декількох gated community, в більшості в Апельсинівці (Orange County, CA) і ці комʼюніті відрізняються від навколишньих районів, вони багатші і мають більше загальних аменітіс, як от великий басейн, гарний парк, тощо
ну 2к не 3к
На зиму
По таких цінах є Париж, Ліон
вы за него живёте?
с хера ли?