(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Sponsor your spouse, partner or child If you’re eligible, you can sponsor your spouse, partner or dependent children to become permanent residents of Canada. If you do, you must be able to: • support them financially • make sure they don’t need social assistance from the government Permanent residence for Ukrainian nationals with family members in Canada Under this public policy, we can still approve your application if you or your family members would normally be inadmissible for financial reasons (such as not being able to financially support yourself or your family members).
по сути из-за франсе не хотят ехать
в Квебеке ж дешевая аренда, а налоги не то чтоб сильно выше остальной Канады
На упаковке платят минималку
Он явно приторговывает)
Не всем норм жить на минималку и пахать
Ну так вот и многое не хотят
не та перспектива которую я хочу)
на завод не берут с ит ?