People who say this still don’t understand Russia (or how those states were “reset”).
Fascist Germany and Imperial Japan still had a layer of liberalism and democracy underneath, that had developed over generations and were being suppressed by these regimes. When the Allies won the war and implemented that “total reset” there was a willing liberal segment of those societies who were ready to serve as the new government.
Russia never had that socio-political development. Russia doesn’t have that liberal segment of their society. There is no willing liberal democrats waiting to take over. Even if there were, at best they would be a Navalny type figure who was still quite imperialist and still a firm believer in Russkiy Mir and that other neighbouring states should be subservient to Moscow.
What is lurking behind Putin is another ultranationalist which we won’t like, or local power brokers who will become warlords. Maybe we’ll get Warring States period ala China but with nukes.
The only way to treat Russia is through a show of strength. Make them fully aware that the Baltics and other places are completely off-limits, and that they are a pariah state if they don’t keep behind their borders.