(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Реальність: вони просять довідку про несудимість, яку ти не можеш отримати
та фиг его знает что будет вообще по идее я могу щас в Испании ТЗ отменить, стану нелегалом и подаваться на ВНЖ для нелегалов, которые могут пруфнуть что минимум 2 года в Испании и минимум пол года из них работали)
Потрібно арсенал збирати і банду
Там у кого палка по більше той і правий
навіщо купляти
можна забрати тоді
станет меньше но она будет
The question for us was: what would happen in the oceans? We used the climate model output provided by our colleagues to simulate the consequences of a range of nuclear wars for global fisheries. Our fisheries model uses mathematical equations that estimate how plankton growth and water temperature influence fish populations, as well as profit-seeking fishing fleets that range the global ocean. According to the model, the dark and cold conditions would slow the growth of fish, especially due to the decrease in plankton photosynthesis. Just as humans would suffer from the reduced growth of plants on land, fish would go hungry due to the reduction of algae in the sea. In the largest war scenario we investigated — a major war between the United States and Russia — this made global fish catches fall by as much as 30 per cent. The effects would vary by region, with countries at high latitudes — where the largest crop failures occur — also having the most negative fishery impacts.
и как оно?