(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
А ви часто дивитесь на продакшен дату у себе на роботі? Виявляється може прилетіти. The complaints heard were of employees at the hospitals that accessed information of patients: - Not part of their circle of care; - Accessed more than was reasonably required to complete their duties; and/or - Accessed information after their role in the patient’s care was complete Offences under the privacy act carry a maximum penalty of $200,000 and up to one year in prison. ottawa.citynews.ca/2024/12/19/charges-laid-after-staff-breached-patient-privacy-at-three-ontario-hospitals/
Есть доступ к прод данным (с фондовых рынков кек), но как-то не лажу туда особо + все юзер сессии на платформе трекаются