(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
где он кстати?
лендлиз рекламировали во всю
Вже оголосили 1.25 млрд - "одноразово " більше млрд ще не було
Та нєєє, то вже казали що то не такий лендліз - то був поганий. Не треба нам такого
ти не вивчав українську мову? ukr-mova.in.ua/library/antusurzhuk/protyagom-i-na-protyazi
Там же где и байрактары
там же где и спутник?
я почитал что их перестали использовать так как пво сбивает в позиционке. они были эффективны вначале. и дальность всего 8км, сейчас для разведки используют
elenaroymortgage.com/contacts тут наче є телефон на її сайті
а є якісь засоби зв'язку окрім ФБ? інстаграм, телеграм, вайбер, whatsapp? можна і в лс.
Нічого не зрозуміло. В тебе що одержимість Квебеком?
так а ні в кого більше немає контактів з ким ви подавали?
Kim Jong-un orders divorcing couples to labour camps under tough new rules Kim Jong-un has reportedly ordered that divorcing couples be sent to labour camps for up to six months, with women potentially facing longer sentences. The North Korean leader has declared that ending a marriage demonstrates anti-socialist sympathies and warrants punishment. This represents a toughening of existing laws, which previously only punished the party seeking the divorce—even in cases of physical abuse. Under the new rules, both spouses will face imprisonment once the divorce is finalised, reports Radio Free Asia (RFA). Marriage, and not divorce, is a pillar of the Korean society (AP) Marriage, and not divorce, is a pillar of the Korean society (AP) A resident of the northern Ryanggang province said: “I went to the Kimjongsuk County People’s Court ... where 12 people received divorce decrees. “Immediately after the verdict, they were transferred to the county labour training camp. “Until last year, when a couple divorced, only the person who first filed for divorce was sent to a labor training camp. “Starting this month, all divorced couples will be sent to labour training camps.” In Korea, the act of divorce is not only considered an affront on socialism but also on the Confucian values that tie into the thinking of those in the north and south. RFA reported that divorce rates had increased on the back of Covid-19 when lockdown constraints put couples up against it financially. Data is not available for the exact numbers. Rates of divorce are not said to have significantly dropped even though citizens are now threatened with public humiliation and expulsion from the Korean Workers' Party. “My brother also divorced after three years of marriage,” a resident said. “His wife first submitted a divorce application to the court and received a divorce ruling. She was sent to a labour camp for six months, while he has to do one month.” Another woman, who had spent some time in the correction facility, said most divorcees are in their late 30s. “There are about 80 women, and 40 men imprisoned in the county labor training camp,” she said. “About 30 men and women were imprisoned due to divorce decrees, and the women’s sentences were longer.” Maintainer | Creator | Source Code Summoning u/CoverageAnalysisBot
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Якщо сказати що температура вже тиждень то точно антибіотики призначать. Аналіз крові тут же не роблять щоб визначитися з природою бронхіту - бактеріальний чи вірусний.
теж так подумав. ну і "нетфлікс момент" задовбав уже, разом з елементами комедії. Але найбільше бісить дурна музика не в тему
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Українська делегація на чолі з міністром закордонних справ Андрієм Сибігою перебуває у Сирії та вже зустрілася в Дамаску з фактичним лідером Сирії Ахмедом аль-Шараа 📰 підписатися
23 Jan 2023, 01:02
31 minutes ago