(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
The most important thing to consider when determining your residency status in Canada for income tax purposes is whether or not you maintain, or you establish, significant residential ties with Canada.
Ой вей, нет
Так. Канадське водійське посвідчення чи медична страховка (OHIP) це вже residential ties із Канадою Step 1: Determine if you have residential ties with Canada The most important thing to consider when determining your residency status in Canada for income tax purposes is whether or not you maintain, or you establish, significant residential ties with Canada. Significant residential ties to Canada include: • a home in Canada • a spouse or common-law partner in Canada • dependants in Canada Secondary residential ties that may be relevant include: • personal property in Canada, such as a car or furniture • social ties in Canada, such as memberships in Canadian recreational or religious organizations • economic ties in Canada, such as Canadian bank accounts or credit cards • a Canadian driver's licence • a Canadian passport • health insurance with a Canadian province or territory
Прилетел, походил в кафешки неделю и улетел
Хз, я прилетел взял ВП и улетел обратно, как я налоговый резидент?
У вас є як мінімум health insurance with a Canadian province or territory — це вважається одним із residential ties із Канадою, тому ви є податковим резидентом www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/information-been-moved/determining-your-residency-status.html
Так как бы вот выше
Нет www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/information-been-moved/determining-your-residency-status.html
Значит я что-то пропустил, раньше вроде в чате была другая инфа
Ви є податковим резидентом з першого дня в Канаді
You become a resident of Canada for income tax purposes when you establish significant residential ties in Canada. You usually establish these ties on the date you arrive in Canada. Newcomers to Canada who have established residential ties with Canada may be: • protected persons (including refugees) within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act • individuals who have applied for or received permanent resident status from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada • individuals who have received "approval-in-principle" from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to stay in Canada www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/individuals-leaving-entering-canada-non-residents/newcomers-canada-immigrants.html#nwc
На скільки мені відомо наявності банківського рахунку, сін, житла і тд буде достатньо щоб вас важали податковим резидентом. Тому декларацію потріьно подавати