Чи може хтось допомогти вирiшити задачку, бо в мене декiлька вiдповiдей. Не зовсiм розумiю останнiй пункт в умовах, проблеми перекладу мабуть. Icнуе фiча: The Reorder Stock function can help you reorder your stock when you need more inventory. You’ll need to set up your reorder points and quantities first before app can reorder stock for you.
Scenario: Suppose a particular product in a particular warehouse has:
- 17 units currently in stock
- The reorder point is 25
- The reorder quantity of 5
- 12 units in total that have ever been ordered by customers, of which 8 have already been picked and shipped out to customers.
How many units of stock will reordering system suggest to reorder?
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