(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
My meta offer ganugapati @ Apple I received an offer from Meta at E5. Here is how I prepped. I hope this post will help people targetting FAANG companies. 1. Coding I did almost 3-400 problems on leetcode that are tagged both Meta and Google. Even if I cudnt do the problem I made sure I looked at the solution and remember it. I made a cheatsheet of all problems I wanted to revise. I revised all the problems multiple times. 2. System Design There are 40 basic system design questions on educative.io with back of the envelope math. I was fluent with all of them. There are 20 advanced system design questions as well but felt they were not required and were advanced. 3. Behavioral I took Engineering Manager behavioral workshop with interviewkickstart.com along with 6 mock interviews that came with it. I spent almost 2400$ on it but well worth it. For coding+system design I took mock practice sessions from hellointerview.com. I paid 160$ for each session but worth it. The whole preparation lasted for almost 15-18 months. I hope this post will help people targetting FAANG companies and good luck. @blind_feed
Но зато железеный оффер же
Скажу на своїй практиці, іменно в Андроїді 90% тасок це індуси які хочуть за 5 баксів щоб ти загрузив їхній додаток на свій аккаунт в play store. Що там за додатки то хз. Є адекватні роботи, но їх розхватують як пиріжки, я вже в Канаді створив аккаунт і по суті стараюсь набити рейтинг, бо коли ти новий то тяжко взагалі якусь роботу получити. Но по суті як сурвайвал джоб це круто тому що деколи можна щось знайти навіть на 10-15 годин в тиждень, але постійних. Так що Upwork як альтернатива поки щось шукаєш я рахую топ
Helcim з Калгарі один з найкращих в світі процесорів для кредитних карток за версією CNN і третій після Stripe та Square: "CNN just released their top 3 credit card processing companies list. 2 of 3 have a ~$50 billion market value. The third one is one its way 🚀 We're building the next payment giant right here in Calgary: #helcim" – Nik Beique, CEO of Helcim www.linkedin.com/posts/nicbeique_helcim-activity-7143645524867301377-JNwC?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Рейтинг CNN: www.cnn.com/cnn-underscored/money/best-credit-card-processing-companies "Helcim is a payment processing company founded in 2006 by Nic Beique in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, with offices in Calgary and Seattle, Washington in the United States. It offers a range of services ideal for small and medium businesses, including multiple payment processing options with no monthly contracts, useful free business tools and third-party integrations. It’s a major name in the industry and comes in fourth on our list of the Best Credit Card Processors of 2023. It is popular for its customer service and transparency. Helcim also scores well with its users, with a ‘Great’ score of 4.3 on Trustpilot and 4.3 on Capterra." www.usatoday.com/money/blueprint/business/credit-card-processing/helcim-review/
Возможно это только первое время так
Вот да, за пару заявок уходят все бесплатные на месяц и дальше закидывать денег только)
Ну это не поможет если тебе нужна работа в ИТ
Думаю да Во всяком случае работу девопса легче за Н часов, автоматизация тестирования это долгий процесс прям
хороший убер драйвер получает 70-80к год так то
И ментал ножем не пырнет)
В отличие от убера ты не деградируешь прям совсем и работает с любимого дивана