(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Интерполу запрещено заниматься любыми делами связанными с военной службой ( по конституции Интерпола)
А вот интересная статья в сегодняшнем Die Welt, Германия. The article from "Die Welt" discusses Ukraine's plan to mobilize up to half a million new soldiers, including those who have fled the country and are living abroad, specifically targeting men aged 25 to 60. Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umjerow, in an interview with Welt TV, emphasized the need for these individuals to report to recruitment centers and warned of sanctions for non-compliance. While Ukraine lacks legal means to enforce this overseas, potential penalties for those who avoid service and return after the war are discussed. The move addresses concerns of fairness among soldiers, as many in Ukraine feel that not all societal segments are equally participating in defense. With significant numbers of eligible Ukrainian men residing in countries like Germany and across the EU, there's a potential to bolster Ukraine's defenses significantly. Roderich Kiesewetter, a CDU defense politician, expressed a lack of understanding for those avoiding defense duties and highlighted that not all roles require front-line service. President Volodymyr Zelensky announced plans for the extensive mobilization but expressed concerns about financing, estimating the cost at around twelve billion euros. The article suggests that this move, while surprising to some and interpreted by others as a sign of desperation or high losses, is a strategic step to regenerate forces during the winter and a signal to the West of Ukraine's continued commitment to defending itself and Europe. The challenge lies in addressing the quantitative issues in both ammunition, where European assistance is sought, and soldier numbers, with a focus on avoiding the mass infantry deployments characteristic of Russian military tactics. www.evernote.com/shard/s269/u/0/sh/f8ccf991-615c-4940-851d-974fa73da649/wY4vt009hOZwAZHp16LcahwmkyO_SfIfmLLmgybOeHtTQ3iUQIT2TsZy-g
В свете динамики событий в мире не было мысли туда вернуться для спокойствия?)
Вообще Die Welt по-взрослому пишет конечно. Мне нравится как он говорит со своими читателями.
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