(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Компанию в сша могут зарегистрировать нерезиденты
Что за чушь ты несешь?
This means that if you are paroled into the United States under Uniting for Ukraine, USCIS does not need to approve your application for employment authorization before you can work in the United States. Your unexpired Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record, with a class of admission (COA) of “UHP” is an acceptable List A document that shows your identity and work authorization for Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. Within 90 days of hire (or in the case of reverification, the date employment authorization expires), you must provide your employer either: • Your unexpired Form I-765, Employment Authorization Document (EAD); or • Your unrestricted Social Security card and a List B identity document from the Form I-9 Lists of Acceptable Documents. (Note: A Social Security card that contains no employment restrictions is not available to individuals who are parolees and are not admitted to the United States on a permanent basis. See the Social Security Administration’s Types of Social Security Cards webpage.)
ну мы вот теоретически могли бы переехать по u4u, у меня есть удаленная работа и пока что моему работодателю пофиг откуда я (пока что), жена и так работат на US компанию через прокладку в виде remote.com, по идее ее могут и просто перевести в US-офис. но если что-то пойдет не так, придется проедать подушку, а ее осталось очень мало после переезда в Канаду
Создание компании и работа в ней это разные вещи ты конечно в курсе ?
Мне лень объяснять на пальцах. Большинство тут все равно не поймёт наверное по-пункто бюрократию бумаг. Просто скину ответ от имми адвоката You can''t really start a business here on a B-1/B-2, which is only for temporary visits for business or pleasure. Even though you might be able to start the business, and not perform any services/employment and not receive any compensation such that you would be engaging in unauthorized employment (you would be merely a passive investor), it would seem that your intention would not be temporary/nonimmigrant. It is better to wait until you have an immigration status, i.e., green card, which is in line with your actual intent.
На тот момент статус в сша не было я конечно выясню подробнее
Registration as a Foreign Entity: If you are not a U.S. citizen or resident, you can register your company as a foreign entity according to the requirements of the state where you plan to do business. This may involve appointing a U.S. agent or using the services of a legal firm to comply with state regulations regarding foreign businesses operating within their jurisdiction.