(UA) IT/Tech Ukrainians in Canada
Хз, не розбирався
Ти там американських новин передивився?))
Консерватори і ліберали
Я вірю
Есть только вот такое исключение - Nationals of non-EU countries cannot use their European Health Insurance Card to receive medical treatment in Denmark, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or the United Kingdom.
European Health Insurance Card Who can benefit from this card? To be eligible for a card, you must be insured or covered by a state social security system in any Member State of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or the United Kingdom . Each member of a family must have their own card.
І в канаді вибори не між республіканцями і демократами)))
Бо звідки у бомжа з даунтауна на неї гроші?))