UA to Calgary🇨🇦
This is what I have been sending this to my Ukrainian clients regarding housing resources: Finding Permanent Housing: Kijiji: For Rent | Find or List Homes, Condos, Apartments for Rent in Calgary | Kijiji Classifieds Rent Faster: Apartments For Rent Calgary | Find Apartments, Houses & Condos - Boardwalk: Apartments and Townhouses for Rent | Boardwalk Apartment Rentals ( Facebook Marketplace: Rentals for Ukrainian families: Regards, Kateryna Bryzh| Housing Liaison for Ukrainian Project Initiative Calgary Catholic Immigration Society CCIS Line: 403-262-2006 | Direct Line: 403-991-7081 5th Floor, 1111 - 11 Ave. SW | Calgary, Alberta T2R 0G5 Website:
- Rental resources: Housing Information on Boardwalk discounts for Ukrainians: There is no credit check and no 3 months deposit (regular policy is that they would have to pay 3 months up front). DEPOSIT OF 399$ required, it is transferred to damage deposit, and it will come back to them when they move out On top of monthly rent, you need tenant insurance/renters’ insurance. Boardwalk has contract with Zipsure insurance: $17.50/month. Another insurance company that is a bit cheaper is Duo at $13.00/month. Water and heat included Electricity not included. Every month when you get rent bill you will receive an electricity bill (average 30$-38$/month) Internet not included but Boardwalk has a contract with TELUS getting up to 60% off their services (Internet would be around $45/month) Required to sign 12-month lease ALL UNITS ARE UNFURNISHED If the client is interested in renting with Boardwalk, they would have to contact Boardwalk to schedule a showing. Can schedule in person showing right away OR Option to have Boardwalk send a video of the apartment on WhatsApp and if client is interested in the place, they could come for an in person viewing
Dear Applicants, At this moment, we do not have a host family who can offer their housing for Ukrainians. Due to the high number of applications, we experience a shortage of housing in Calgary. We do have an option of the government hotel for 14 days upon arrivals if the rooms will be available. However, we cannot predict how many rooms will be occupied at that moment. We do try to help all the arrivals, but sometimes our resources are limited. We send the requests to government hotels once the family has arrived to Calgary. We do not have a preregistration process since we need approval from the government. Also, the airport staff is available once you are in the airport who is dealing with the registration process on the spot. I am including additional resources for you, so you can check some options. Also, you can contact Center for Newcomers or St. Vlad's Church. They may have some options for you. Ukrainians Fleeing War to YYC - UCC Calgary ( Available jobs:
Кажуть колись було, якщо звернутися в аеропорту, але було в певні години. Ми не застали. Писав на пошту, відповіли наступне:
Самые дешёвые выдела у air transat на февраль. Без багажа меньше 200 баксов
Тут трошки інакше, ніж в Україні. Repairs та retainers навіть входять. В мене коли треба було міняти якісь елементи треба будо додатково платити. Судячи з цін 4.000 явно вигідніше заплатити там, ніж за 1000-1.500 поставити в Україні, а в Канаді платити 250-300 $ за візит ( а вони будуть кожні 3 тижні спочатку, а потім місяць-півтора і так до 2-3 років залежно від випадку). З досвідом брекетів в Україні на перший погляд здається, що краще вже там весь цей «веселий» процес починати.
Вы не первая кто задает этот вопрос в чате 😊 Не правильно дать однозначный ответ. С одной стороны в Украине это будет явно дешевле поставить, А с другой- потом здесь это доделывать. А если переделывать? И сколько будут стоить здесь эти приемы? Сложно сказать 🫤