Ванкувер2022 🇺🇦
Here are some Facebook groups that might help with your home placement and job search
This is the government of Canada website which will tell you everything you need to know on how to enroll them and what level of education they should be at. www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/new-life-canada/education/enroll.html
Этим летом 9 сыну и 12 дочери исполняется. Это получается - elementary и middle school (если я правильно поняла)? Или ещё зависит от знания языка? Каких-то тестов?
Hi I do not know if you have experience with youth with developmental disabilities but here is a job posting on indeed for a youth worker ca.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appsharedroid&jk=fcdbe625ab35a117
Guys download these job hiring platforms so you can start applying to jobs all across the lower mainland + Canada It will help you tremendously in finding a job that best suits you and your needs Here are pretty good Job recruiter apps online. Indeed is great as well as Linked in and then rest follow suit 1. Indeed 2. LinkedIn 3. Fiverr 4. Glassdoor 5. Zip recruiter 6. Jora job search 7. JobGet
Yes you need to be licensed if you are doing electric work so you are covered by insurance. You cannot work for a company without it. However with his experience he can apply to many electrician companies and see if they will take him on and gice him free schooling. Give it a try. Start reaching out to Electrician companies in BC or where ever he is located and start collaborating with these companies to see what his options are. If he is licensed in Europe he might be able to transfer that into a BC license, but I am not sure about that. Check out the electrician work permit on this website www.keyglobalimmigration.com/canada-work-permit/electrician-jobs-canada/
Download the app indeed and make an account. Create your resume on indeed and start applying to jobs of your expertise = Type in Teacher assistant /youth worker
Подскажите пожалуйста. Возможно ли купить машину заехав по Visitor Visa (не открывая Work Permit ) Благодарю
Супер.А Чи могли б Ви пояснити: помічник електрика/ учень електрика - потрібно ліцензія? Чоловік має опит електрик / електромонтажник, з досвідом роботи в Україні і в Европі понад 10 років. англійська майже мінімальна. Локація : Британська Колумбія
Ищу предложение по работе в сфере youth. Подходят вакансии из полей day care / teachers assistant после 4ого сентября. Имею 6 лет опыта работы в этой сфере в компании carnival cruise lines. Локации: Ванкувер или Оттава
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Потому я и спрашиваю под постом про церковь