Український Монреаль
Дякувати Богу що це лише порада Задовбали вже То знімають правила в’їзду , не просять вакцину , то масками мізки клюють Дебіли
2 дні в тиждень - з офісу. але знову ж таки, рекомендують. не mandatory
А не дали опції піти на рімоут?
Дякую,для нас це вперше.
нам ось таке розіслали :)
Dear all, With the arrival of winter comes the seasonal cold and flu infections. This year, it is expected to be particularly strong. As you may have witnessed, quite a few of our colleagues have already fallen ill. Let’s not forget that COVID-19 is still roaming around, and the possibility of a new wave should not be underestimated. For those with young children, it has been an especially challenging start as this group is the most susceptible to COVID-19, influenza, and RSV. The health and safety of Nespresso employees and their families remains our priority, and as such, we would like to remind you about the importance of taking proper health and safety precautions. Both Quebec and Ontario’s chief medical officers of health strongly recommended that people start wearing masks in indoor public settings, including schools and in childcare settings. Other provinces are expected to follow similar guidance. We will closely monitor the evolution of the situation and will continue to follow the public health guidance for each province. When you come to work, wearing a mask will continue to be optional for employees – that being said, we advise you wear a mask while commuting. We strongly encourage all employees to get the flu shot as well as a COVID-19 booster as soon as it becomes available to you. The annual flu vaccine is the most effective way to prevent the flu and its complications. For further information on the flu shot and associated clinics, CLICK HERE. You can schedule an appointment for your flu and/or COVID-19 vaccination by visiting the Clic Santé Canada portal. To stay healthy this fall and upcoming winter, and to ensure you are keeping those around you safe: make sure your vaccines are up to date, wash your hands and sanitize regularly; screen daily for respiratory symptoms, and remember, if you exhibit any symptom at all, please stay home. Let’s all take the necessary precautions to keep each other safe and healthy.
Так завжди
Дитина вчора зі школи принесла тести на COVID-19,видали всім діткам.
Невже є ще такі хто думає що маска спасає
Там м’яса дуже мало (
Ти веганка?
Бідна білка
Та за шоо
З неї не поганий суп
Яка мила 😅
Дааааа, поміняло тебе....
Перепрошую у мене архів гіфок тепер тваринки
🐖 🐷 🐽
Не виключаю 😂
Ще скажи що після того всього ти ще хрюкати будеш😂😂😂😂
29 Jan 2023, 07:13
22 minutes ago