Toronto Newcomers
so its wrong.
sorry but this info which you received is not correct at all and misleading as well. as i memtioned before if you have wp then they must give you residnency accordingly. the question is that are they giving on spot and they mentioned on website or we should go immigration department later and thats why i am asking if aomebody already passed this process there
Going to enter soon. That’s the information I have
Did you enter using foil less visa? work permit is not residency visa. work permit is work permit accodingly they should issue residency visa valid three year upto the validity of the wp, which allows you to exit and enter whenever you need.
I am not confusing. I received answer from my immigration consultant. She said that people should apply for a visa. It is not complicated process.
U can enter Canada one time with foil less visa and once u get work permit u can stay 3 years but if u leave Canada u should apply for a new visa. Also u can apply for visitor visa while u r in Canada after entering by foil less
ok. so sorry, then why you answer if you didnt experience the situation and confuse people?!!!!! I am asking clearly about who flew and reach borders with foil less visa
No I've received original passport request
Did you fly with foil less visa?
there should not be a new application for visa. Something wrong here. Did you fly with foil less visa to toronto?
To give an opportunity to come to Canada faster without waiting for a visa.
Then what is the benefit of foil less visa?!
Привет всем! Кто знает, если срок действия паспорта ребенка истекает через полтора года, реально получить визу в Канаде в новый паспорт?
No. You should apply for a visa again.
Hi. anybody here who flew to toronto using foilless visa? Please explain what was done in the toronto airport? Did you get the temporary reaidency visa on your passport on spot?
Підкажіть будь ласка Я замовляю квиток на літак через лот і коли переходжу до оплатм просить вписати адресу доставки. Нерозумію навіщо квиток мені ж прийде на почту.
Здравствуйте Кто может поделиться собственным мнением / опытом жизни о районах и пригородах в Торонто ? Я прилетаю в Торонто в середине июня с 15летней сестрой, хотим найти хорошую школу для нее И знать где и в каком районе лучше/ безопасно жить /учиться Английский знаем на свободном уровне
Привіт всім. Чи є в Торонто російська автошкола ???
Ну да, но Польша есть в списке 6-ти стран. Так что могло получиться, что страну вылета посчитали именно Польшу.
я это знаю. там не было вопроса про конкретную страну
29 Jan 2023, 10:47
25 minutes ago