Ждуны CUAET Canada 🇨🇦
Your wife needs to go to ЗАГС and receive birth certificate for the child!
She was born in Ukraine
We mean citizenship 😉
Не означает
They are both in Ukraine
Добрый вечер,подскажите пожалуйста подавали одну заявку на семью(двое взрослых и двое детей),сегодня пришёл запрос на вклейку одному взрослому- организатору группы.Означает ли это что пришло одобрение на всех членов семьи или это только для одного?
You daughter was born in Ukraine?
Fortunately I have Ukraine visa now
Read my massage one more time carefully.
You mean I can't get visa to Ukraine?
Come to Ukraine?
If your daughter was born in Ukraine, it is impossible for foreigners to receive visa during the war, thus you can’t come. If she was born outside of Ukraine, go to embassy and ask birth certificate there.
Я теж з травня