Ukrainians in Victoria, BC Chat
Можливо хтось знає, чи можна з дійсним CUAET Work Permit також навчатись/робити PhD, чи потрібно екстра подаватись на Study Permit?
Я навчаюсь як Master з ним, але треба дивитись на дати. If you’re eligible and you held a valid work permit on June 7, 2023, you can study without a study permit until the earliest of the 2 following dates: • the expiry date on your work permit • June 27, 2026 (the date this public policy expires)
Супер, дуже дякую за відповідь!
В мене дата закінчення стоїть мінімум у Jan 2026, max Jan 2029. Жодних проблем/питань не було. Я так розумію, що без дійсного Study/Work permit не можна буде зареєструватися на наступний семестр
Ви супер, дяка
доброго дня я
або можливо хтось може дати контакт з ким можна поговорити
Відповідь на ваше перше запитання If you still can’t sign in to your account, let us know through our web form. Under “Enquiry,” choose “Technical difficulties” in the drop-down menu. Include this information in the text box: if you log out of your account after each session if you share an office/home with other account users how you’re connected to the network (through a broadband router, VPN, etc.) Upload screenshots from your account that show us the page(s) where you’re having problems the error message(s) you get
Привіт, громадо. Може хтось має на продаж підручника "Contemporary Topics 3" з Camosuna?
Якесь лячне повідомлення..
Вітаю! Може до когось будуть летіти з України найближчим часом- треба передати маленький пакунок до 1 кг. Напишіть будь ласка 🙏 Домовимось) дякую
Маю книжки з Camosun) Якщо комусь треба то пишіть!
Добрий день Шановна спільнота. Моя донька навчається в Happy Valley Elementary school і я б могла забирати зі школи дитину чи дітей за необхідністю чи на постійній основі.
дайте текст англійською, будь ласка, хто може. Відправлю мейл
To:,,, Subject: Urgent Request to Remove russian Propaganda Film from Festival Lineup Dear all, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express deep concern over the scheduled screening of a film by a russian filmmaker that has received significant financial support from the Canada Media Fund (CMF). This content spreads russian propaganda during an incredibly sensitive and devastating time of war. It tries to justify actions of war criminals and invaders. As you are aware, russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has caused immense suffering, with millions of people displaced and thousands of innocent lives lost. Canada, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has been unwavering in its condemnation of russia's aggression and its commitment to support Ukraine until a just and lasting peace is achieved. The atrocities committed by russia, including the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children, only highlight the seriousness of this war. At a time when Canada stands firmly with Ukraine, it is shocking and disheartening to see a festival as prestigious as yours giving a platform to a film that echoes russian state propaganda. By allowing this film to be showcased, the festival risks endorsing the narrative of an aggressor state, undermining both Canada's position and the values of freedom, justice, and democracy that we all hold dear. I strongly urge the festival administration to reconsider its decision and remove this film from the lineup. Supporting russian propaganda through art in such a manner, especially in the context of the ongoing war, is not only harmful but disrespectful to the millions of Ukrainians who have suffered because of this invasion. I trust that the festival will take the necessary steps to address this issue promptly. Your decision will send a powerful message about where you stand on the matter of war, peace, and human dignity. Thank you for your attention to this urgent concern. Sincerely, [Your name]
Переслала в групу Українська Канада. Заблокували 😳😱
9 Feb 2023, 06:38
about an hour ago