Ванкувер чатик 🇨🇦 | CHATIK
Hey my friend. I would love to help you purchase a vehicle here in BC. I am not a car salesman, but I know the rules very well and you are correct. The taxes are absolutely horrible. If you would like to know how to avoid them and buy a vehicle here for less, let me know. I’d be happy to help 😊👍
There is absolutely no problem with making some cash on the side. I personally wouldn’t recommend Amazon, as you would have much more success flipping items over Facebook marketplace. That being said, cash is king. It’s un traceable and no one would know. You also don’t have to report any of your earnings to the CRA until you’ve made over $11,200 dollars and even then you aren’t subject to tax as a sole proprietor until you reach the threshold for a GST number with is $30,000 dollars. If you need help getting started, let me know 😊👍
To answer your question, a “write off” is a deduction that can be made against what you owe the government in taxes at the end of the year. Let’s say you owe $4,000 dollars at the end of the year in taxes, but you purchased assets for your company or for healthcare (dental work) and the amount was $3,000 dollars. The amount you spent on healthcare and business assets will be subtracted directly from the amount of taxes you are liable for in that year. So, in our example, you would only need to pay $1,000 dollars instead of $4,000 dollars. There are many, many ways that these can be taken advantage of. I would be happy to educate you further and help you avoid paying too so much in taxes 😊👍
То что страховка не возместила (от 0 до 100%) можно клеймить как мед кредить на T1. Но минимум по не покрытым расходам это 2421$ or 3% net income.Так что все что меньше никак не поможет на налогах. Есть мутки через частные планы которые обещают 100% списания с любых сумм но когда начинаешь считать, то там не все так прекрасно 😉 еще если твой доход идет через дивиденды то мед расходы вообще никак не влияют
Здравствуйте!) Кто-нибудь получал российскую справку о несудимости будучи в Канаде? На IRCC написано, что подавать нужно лично прийти в консульство в Монреале либо через юриста. Если кто-нибудь проходил через это, вы брали юриста или через какие-то другие пути? Спасибо!)
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