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Сейчас обучаю заработку на разнице курсов. За ранее предоплат не беру🤗 Мой интерес - % от твоего заработка💸 Если есть желание зарабатывать от 1000$, то переходи ко мне в лс, обсудим детали)
⚠️ 👤 Vladyslav Toronto начал голосование за бан 👤 Ксения Васильева Проголосовавшие за бан: Vladyslav Toronto , Натахахаха , Nikita , NickGric
Hi, I'm looking for an employee to post ads on the home rental sites on my marketplace ... No experience needed. Salary $900 per week. Note: This is just a side job that doesn't affect your current job, time is flexible. If you are interested, please answer "yes" 📍for more information
А манттоба(Виггипег дороже Торонто. ) По продуктам
⚠️ 👤 Vladyslav Toronto начал голосование за бан 👤 Ani✨ Проголосовавшие за бан: Vladyslav Toronto , Maria , Serhii , Arslan Ionov
Winnipeg the Bear, which would become the inspiration for part of the name of Winnie-the-Pooh, was purchased in Ontario by Lieutenant Harry Colebourn of the Fort Garry Horse. He named the bear after the regiment's home town of Winnipeg.[114] A. A. Milne later wrote a series of books featuring the fictional Winnie-the-Pooh. The series' illustrator, Ernest H. Shepard, created the only known oil painting of Winnipeg's adopted fictional bear, displayed in Assiniboine Park