I was found not eligible for Express Entry and I can’t change my profile. What do I do? If you’ve been found not eligible, you will need to create a new profile. An ineligible profile is no longer valid so you can’t change it, even if you have new information. You will still have to meet the Express Entry requirements that are in place. So, unless you made a mistake in your first profile or your circumstances have changed (for example, you have new language test results, you now have more work experience, etc.), there is a good chance you will be found ineligible again. You can review the requirements to see which ones you did not meet. This can help you find what to do to meet the requirements so you can apply again.
Консультанти тут якщо треба допомога : @OstapBosak @barbicanimigration @rubicon123 @slashkevych @OlegSchindlerRCIC @daria_canada @immiSasha @Kazka_Immigration @ataimmigration @bohdana @AnatkaShultz
Підкажіть будь ласка @OstapBosak, я в березні 2022 року приїхала у Канаду ,пробула місяць,отримала wp і вернулася в Україну, медогляд не проходила.Чи можна зараз пройти медогляд в Україні і приїхати В Канаду, чи буде дійсний мій wp,чи можу я отримати допомогу до 30 червня і податись на програму family reunification?